Sunday Prayer Gatherings

As we prepare to launch a new community of faith we are in a season of prayer.

Practising the way of Jesus

Acts 17:27 -28 He has done this so that every person would long for God, feel their way to Him, and find Him – for He is the God who is easy to discover! It is through him that we live and function and have our identity.

Presence We prioritise a speed of life where time with Jesus and gathering together in community is part of our regular rhythm.

Rhythms We promote practices that bring about spiritual formation and build healthy lives.

Purpose We are authentic followers of Jesus. We serve one another and our community.


To point people to the love and life of Jesus.

A life following Jesus and immersed in His love, is where we experience personal transformation and can bring transformation to our City.

The Story

North Coast Church is an exciting new Church in Noosa. In March 2024 we commence Sunday Prayer Gatherings, commencing at 5pm, at 9 Grasstree Court Sunrise Beach, the Uniting Church Auditorium.

The Community

Whether you are exploring faith or looking for a church home on the Sunshine Coast, we look forward to sharing this journey with you.

The Connection

We would love to connect with you. Reach out on Instagram or via email.



North Coast Church Australia LTD

(ABN 33672539776)

Sunday Venue

Uniting Church Auditorium

6 Grasstree Court Sunrise Beach

5pm Prayer Gatherings every Sunday.


Bank Transfer

Account Name: North Coast Church Australia LTD

BSB:: 124-078